Natalie Rukavishnikova — Works

Natalie Rukavishnikova was born in Moscow in the family of an engineer-geologist and designer.

2001 – 2012 collaborated professionally with Nike, Fiction and Fresh, participating in filming and skateboarding competitions.

In 2006, she became interested in painting and drawing; she began her studies in the art studio of Tomsk A.I.

2008 – 2009 she worked in the children’s theater of AJ as a sham and assistant art director.

2009 – 2014 – studying at RATI – GITIS, majoring in theater production designer.

At the same time she was engaged in the creation of copyright artworks and sculptures. She worked with advertising studios and agencies as an illustrator and storyboard artist.

In 2014, the end of training in RATI – GITIS.

2014 – 2015 worked in the Mayakovsky Theater as an assistant artist of the artist Mikhail Kramenko.

Currently working in a studio in Moscow. Creates copyright artwork, collaborates with publishers, magazines and advertising agencies as an illustrator and storyboard artist.

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Enisaurus — The Hell from The Garden of Earthly Delights

Justin Poulter — Wildfire Absinthe and Tattoos

Justin Poulter — 5 of Club playing cards illustrations

Zara Magumyan — Illustrating main categories for Codics

Joey Guidone — Psychoses, drugs and mindfulness

Ilia Kalimulin — Kaspersky Lab souvenir chess set concept

Ori Toor & Vasjen Katro — Adobe Illustrator splash screen 2018

Ori Toor — Animation festival / Berkeley, California

Sandra Rilova — VI Iberoamerican Catalog of Illustration

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